About Our Blog

Are you an Anne Boleyn fan? Do you buy Anne Boleyn jewelry on etsy, debate the merits of Natalie Dormer’s Anne versus Natalie Portman’s Anne, and voraciously consume every novel and biography written about Anne? In her forthcoming book from Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, The Creation of Anne Boleyn, Susan Bordo will write about how people have viewed and talked about Anne over the centuries–from Eustache Chapuys to the current day. This page is devoted to sharing our views on Anne, and more. Fans of all the other wives–and Henry and all other “players” in the Tudor drama–are enthusiastically welcomed!

Follow along for posts, selections from Susan’s book, interviews with Natalie Dormer, Michael Hirst, Genevieve Bujold and other, updates on upcoming talks with Susan and other publishing updates!

About Susan

Susan Bordo’s books on women, men, body image, cultural history, and media are read throughout the world. The New York Times described her best-known book, Unbearable Weight, as “a classic” on women and body image. Her next book, The Male Body, has been hailed by men as one of the most sympathetic feminist accounts of their insecurities. She has many young fans who email her about the positive effect her books have had on their lives, and has a twelve-year-old daughter of her own who has inspired much of her interest in Anne. She teaches at the University of Kentucky, and lives in Lexington with her husband Edward, daughter Cassie, two dogs, two cats, and assorted small aquatic creatures.
About Natalie
Natalie Sweet maintains the website, the blog, and Facebook page for The Creation of Anne Boleyn. She began as Susan’s research assistant while working towards her master’s in history at the University of Kentucky. She maintains communication with contacts on each site and occasionally contributes blog posts. You can follow her companion blog, “Semper Eadem: An Elizabeth I Blog” at http://sempereademelizabeth.wordpress.com.

2 responses to “About Our Blog

  1. Hi Susan and Natalie…I’ve been following your Facebook page for some time now (under the same name I blog here), and I’ve recently started following you here, too. I have really enjoyed all of your posts, and have also enjoyed being able to follow you on your journey.

    That said, I’ve nominated you for the Liebster Award. The post is on my page with the details and instructions. Don’t feel like you “have” to do it though…it’s totally optional, and just a way of saying thanks for having an enjoyable blog 🙂


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